When is Mosquito Season in Florida?

mosquito season

As Florida residents, we know dealing with mosquitoes is inevitable. These pests have a major presence in our area due to our humid, warm temperatures, which create an ideal environment for their eggs to hatch. Once mosquitoes have taken over your yard, it can be difficult to steer them away. So, when do these pests arrive? Check out our guide to mosquito season and how you can prepare for their arrival.

When is Mosquito Season?

The amount of rainfall and temperature in your area have a great impact on when mosquitoes will arrive. Mosquitoes cannot survive in temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. These pests also need standing water to breed and lay their eggs. Unfortunately for Florida residents, since most areas in Florida are almost always above 50 degrees, mosquitoes are usually present year-round. However, depending on the certain parts of Florida you live in, mosquito activity can either be very high, mild, or low. In Northern Florida, mosquito activity usually doesn’t peak until March because of their cooler temperatures. In southern Florida, peak mosquito season is year-round because the hot, humid climate doesn’t usually drop, creating an ideal environment for mosquitoes to breed.

How Can I Prevent Mosquitoes?

Battling mosquitoes can sometimes feel impossible, especially during the peak seasons. However, there are steps you can take to help minimize mosquito activity on your property. Check out these do-it-yourself mosquito control tips you should take before mosquito season starts:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Inspect your yard for any objects that are collecting water. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of water to lay their eggs. Remove unnecessary items such as flowerpots, bird feeders, toys, old tires, and buckets.
  • Fill in Hollow Areas: Inspect your yard for any low-lying areas, including ditches that collect water after rain or watering. Fill these areas with dirt. Likewise, check for hollow logs and stumps that can both hold standing water and provide overwintering mosquitoes a place to hibernate in the winter.
  • Clean Gutters: Clogged gutters will create standing water, providing a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Keep your gutters free of debris and clogs throughout the year.
  • Maintain the Pool: If your pool goes unused for a while, mosquitoes will become attracted to the stagnant water. Keep your pool well-maintained or covered if it’s not going to be used for an extended period.
  • Utilize Screens for Your Windows: The smallest crack can lead mosquitoes right into your home. If your windows are unscreened, there’s a possibility that these pests will enter right into your living areas! Consider screening all your windows, making sure they’re in good repair throughout the year.

While these proactive steps will help deter mosquitoes away from your property, sometimes it’s best to call a professional for extra help. Consider investing in a professional mosquito control program to reduce mosquitoes, prevent mosquito bites, and limit your risk of mosquito-borne disease. A licensed Florida pest control company can provide your home treatments throughout the year and during peak mosquito season.

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