Attic Insulation

Save and reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs with our attic insulation solution. Enjoy lower energy bills, saving up to 20%, and pest protection all at once!

Insulation Services

McCall's Guaranteed Attic Treatment for Comfort and Pest Protection

McCall uses a specialized attic cellulose insulation product made of 85% recycled paper that has pest control built in! With McCall’s Attic Treatment & Insulation options, not only are you receiving a product that will further insulate your home but also one that is proven to prevent insect infestation within the insulation in your attic.

Combined with McCall’s Wildlife Exclusion Services, you can set your home up for success from critters, pests, and high energy bills.

What you need to know

The McCall Difference to A Healthier Home

McCall offers attic solutions to maintain your home’s comfort and health year-round. Whether it’s a simple insulation renewal or a complete attic overhaul, we’ve got you covered. Our attic services include removing old insulation, treating the attic for cleanliness, and installing specialized cellulose insulation with built-in pest protection from cockroaches, silverfish, darkling beetles, and more. Count on McCall to protect your home and family from pests while improving indoor air quality!

Why Your Home’s Insulation Matters

Do you know if your home may not have the amount of insulation recommended? In today’s market, the standard for insulation is an R-value of R-30. This is more than just a number; it’s the key to maintaining a consistent, comfortable temperature year-round and giving your HVAC system the break it needs. Don’t take any chances with your home’s comfort! Find out where your R-value stands and guarantee whether your attic needs more insulation by calling McCall Service today!

energy bill savings insulation

Save on Energy Bills

pest prevention attic insulation

Better Pest Protection

hvac energy efficiency attic insulation

Better HVAC System Support


Reduce your heating and cooling costs, up to 20% on energy bills!

Treated with Zone Defense insecticide, our insulation guarantees to prevent insect damage or nesting in your attic from cockroaches, silverfish, darkling beetles, and more.

Properly insulated, your heating and cooling system will perform seamlessly and require less maintenance.

Insulating your home with Supreme Plus saves landfill space and conserves energy use in your home.

Supreme Plus allows you to keep more consistent temperatures in your home throughout the seasons.

Effective soundproofing from the outside, making your home more peaceful inside.

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Learn From Our Experts

Are you looking for a way to keep your home comfortable, quiet, and pest-free? If so, you might want to consider installing cellulose attic insulation

If you are looking for a way to improve your home’s energy efficiency and comfort, you may want to consider replacing or topping off your

Did you know that your attic can have a major impact on the rest of your house? It’s true! Attic insulation can provide a comfortable

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